creatives + wellness

Practitioners in the creative industry are prone to various challenges when it comes to professional advancement in their respective fields. One of those challenges is managing the mental, emotional and physical pressures that come with the nature of any creative position held.

Creative expression can be used as an outlet or therapy to manage different personal challenges or experiences. Or maybe it’s a calling. But what happens outside that ideal haven? In the spaces of ideation, imagining, creating, relating, producing, making and sharing. Understanding and coming up with solutions to: the personal toll that creatives bear from the cultural expectation of struggle as an artist, the lack of appropriate means for personal support, and the lack of security for creatives professionalizing their craft - that’s what this is for.

The purpose of this anonymous research is to gain an understanding of the diversity of challenges faced by creatives. The answers to these questions will be used to inform interventions that can cater to and support creatives in their professional and personal development.

[Phase 1 of the research has been completed. Thank you for your participation.]

2021 Research Report
Creative Introspection  activity (aussi disponible en Français)